About Luna & Our Venue

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About Luna Alignment Yoga

Luna Alignment Yoga, founded by Tal Swissa, is a boutique yoga studio run by Tal and her partner Guy, located on the beautiful island of Koh-Phangan, Thailand.

Luna was created with the vision of making this world a better place, with the attitude of self-healing and well-being. Our teacher training courses are a comprehensive presentation of yoga as therapy, a vehicle to promote holistic health and a discipline providing genuine well-being. By guiding our students towards their own well-being, we allow them to teach yoga with a healthy approach, benefiting themselves, as well as their students.

We see Yoga and yoga teachers, as ambassadors of change, peace and joy in this world.

Read more about our team of teachers...

About the special connection of Luna, Alignment & Yoga 


'Luna' in Latin means 'Moon', and in the Roman mythology it means the goddess of the Moon.
The Moon also represents reflection. In our way of teaching we guide our students to develop a sense of self reflection, this is the direct way for personal-growth and self-evolution.

Koh-Phangan is known as the island of the Full Moon parties. On the yogi side of the island, in our tranquil Srithanu village, we don't feel the parties, but we defiantly feel the full moon's energy...

Morever, a full moon occurs when the Sun, Earth and Moon are lined up or in Alignment to each-other.

Alignment and Yoga

Alignment means - 'arrangement in a straight line, or in correct or appropriate relative positions'. B.K.S. Iyengar was the first yoga teacher to use the term 'alignment'. He was the one to introduce this concept regarding the asana practice. Usually we think of alignment in terms of the positioning of the body and its various parts during the practice of asana, balancing and protecting the joints, muscles, organs, vessels, and tissues of the body. What may be less known is the importance of alignment with respect to the flow of energy in the body. Iyengar said that by directing our attention inwards, toward the muscles and bones, the organs and breath and by moving from the outer layers toward the inner layers, we can become aware of the subtle flow of cosmic energy that envelops and moves through us.

Luna Alignment Yoga

One of the meanings of Yoga is balance. In the Yoga tradition we call it Ha-Tha , meaning sun-moon. In the Taoism tradition they call it Yin-Yang.

All those pairs of contradictions, like the sun-moon, feminine-masculine, round-linear, shadow-light, cold-hot and so on... are are in fact all interlaced with each-other, not contradicting, but balancing.

This is the energy of Luna Alignment Yoga, our inspiration and intention - to be in balance and harmony, or in other words: well-being.

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Our Venue

We are excited to share that we have opened our new studio!
We have finished renovating a traditional Thai house to create a warm and inspiring space for our yoga community

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