Luna's Blog

Posts tagged with Parsvottanasana

  1. Parsvottanasana

    2017-12-22 10:19:00 UTC

    Parsvottanasana.  In Iyengar Yoga there are sequences of asanas - each asana is teaching and preparing us for the next. In Parsvottanasana you can find elements of Tadasana, of Trikonasana and more. This asana is also a preparation for the understanding of the very challenging Virabhadrasna 1 - warrior 1.…

  2. Parsvottanasana

    2017-12-08 14:02:00 UTC

    Parsvottanasana. Geeta Iyengar wrote about this asana:“Parsvottanasana contains several movements, which maintain mobility of the following joints - the neck, arms, shoulders, wrists, armpits, ankles, toes, knees, pelvis, thighs and spine. Every joint participates and involved in the action. It is an ‘action-packed’ asana. Yet, it has a capacity to…

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