

In Iyengar Yoga there are sequences of asanas - each asana is teaching and preparing us for the next. In Parsvottanasana you can find elements of Tadasana, of Trikonasana and more. 
This asana is also a preparation for the understanding of the very challenging Virabhadrasna 1 - warrior 1. 
Before diving with the head down, we should make sure we extend the front side of the spine equally to the back side of it. 

Placing the tips of the fingers on bricks, just under the shoulders will help working on the extension of the front spine. If this happens you can release the head down, if not - better remain at this stage. Don’t forget to keep the hips parallel to the ground. 
There is so much more to say about this asana… but we will stop at that 😊Well… for now

Enjoy 😊

Luna Alignment Yoga

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