Luna's Blog

Posts tagged with LunaAlignmentYoga

  1. Those moments

    2020-12-23 11:08:44 UTC

    Those moments | Those moments at the beginning and end of every yoga class are so important and precious.🙏🏻Those moments will set the tone for your class and will creat a safe, nurturing environment for yourself and for your students.🙏🏻Your students will always feel your state of mind, your presence…

  2. Svādhyāya

    2020-10-28 03:45:04 UTC

    Svādhyāya | Svādhyāya, Meaning self study, or study of the Self.✨Sometimes it’s translated as self-studying of scriptures. This is only a partial meaning.✨The deep meaning of Self-Study, studying of the Self is to me what yoga is all about.✨Asana practice, meditation practice, Pranayama practice, reading scriptures and so on are…

  3. Intuition

    2020-08-26 03:54:29 UTC

    Intuition | Practicing yoga is a great way of developing intuition.💙Taping into our physical sensations, feelings and emotions during practice, will develop our “sense of connection” to our inner reality as well as to our outer reality.💙By being truly connected to our own needs, we can easily connect to the…

  4. Full moon

    2020-05-09 10:36:01 UTC

    Full Moon | It’s a full moon night tonight and I have a feeling it’s going to be very special.🌕Here in Koh-Phangan, we feel the moon very strongly.🌕I love those words by Osho: “A full moon night simply exposes you.”🌕This also feels like a time of defrosting, blooming and reopening.🌕Do…

  5. Eka Pada Adho Mukha Svanasana

    2019-10-26 03:46:39 UTC

    Eka Pada Adho Mukha Svanasana | Eka Pada Adho Mukha Svanasana (One-Legged Down Dog) and a bit about modern yoga history.🎈Did you know that this asana is an American invention?🎈Based on the foundation of the more traditional Adho Mukha Svanasana - Downward Facing Dog.🎈Downward Facing Dog is one of those…

  6. Chanting

    2019-08-29 11:53:34 UTC

    Chanting | “Chanting isn’t about music at all.❤️It’s about engaging in a practice designed to bring you more fully into yourself.💙What’s being chanted is what’s called in India the ‘divine names.’💜We’re calling out to our own true selves, our own inner nature… calling out to that place inside of us…

  7. Tension

    2019-07-26 10:12:56 UTC

    Tension| Tension is not rigidity.💛In the body and mind we have necessary and unnecessary tension.💛Every asana should be held with the right amount of tension. 💛This takes practice…When in the asana scan your body to find where you need to add tension - by elongating the spine, straightening the knees,…

  8. Urdva Dhanurasana

    2019-07-14 01:51:50 UTC

    Urdva Dhanurasana | We LOVE this adjustment in Urdva Dhanurasana.🎡This adjustment makes the asana possible for students with stiff shoulders.🎡It’s also wonderful for flexible students since it’s elongating the entire spine.🎡The lower back, which tends to take most of the bending action in deep backbends, now gets a relief as…

  9. Energy

    2019-07-02 09:05:28 UTC

    Energy | Energy does not die, it transforms.♻️A chaotic state is part of any change.♻️Any shift of energy must transform through chaos in order to reach structure once again.♻️What might feel or seem like chaos might just be a change in form - a metamorphosis.♻️In this transition we tend to…

  10. Healing Mechanism

    2019-06-17 07:51:28 UTC

    Healing Mechanism| All living things have a healing mechanism as part of their system. We are all part of nature and and healing is a quality of nature. We all have cancer cells in our body, all sorts of inflammations, infections and so on… that’s natural and normal. The real…

  11. Inversions Asana

    2019-06-08 10:56:17 UTC

    Inversions Asana | The ancient yogis know the importance of inversions long before modern science knew anything about circulation.🌀“The asanas belonging to these groups will take care of general health such as postural and functional correction of the body. They will take care of circulation, digestion, excretion, and so on.”-Geeta…

  12. Nostrils and Breath

    2019-04-28 00:59:09 UTC

    Nostrils and Breath | Did you ever wonder why do we turn to our right hand side after Savasana?🌳There is a physiological meaning behind it.🌳Medical science realized that both nostrils are very much connected with the nervous system. Every 90 minutes, the pathway of the breath is shifting from the…

  13. Yoga and Selfie Generation

    2019-04-10 05:39:05 UTC

    Yoga and Selfie Generation | This new trend of sexy, perfect looking, perfectly flexible and equally strong “goddesses” sharing their perfect handstand practice on social media….Is a really sad misunderstanding of yoga, femininity and spirituality. I call this YOGA PORN and just like regular porn it’s demeaning for women. And…

  14. Yoga Props

    2019-03-22 08:22:38 UTC

    Yoga Props | Yoga is for EVERYbody!💕And that is why we love yoga props so much.💕B.K.S Iyengar described his motivation for developing the props👇🏾“Yoga is for all. Nobody should be denied the opportunity to experience its benevolence. It is this thought that impelled me to think of all these props.”🙏🏻The…

  15. Spinal Traction

    2019-03-06 00:50:53 UTC

    Spinal Traction | Spinal traction is very important for the health of the spine.⚓️It decompress the spine and therefore can relieve so many aches and pains of the back (and of the entire body).⚓️Spinal traction is used to treat osteoarthritis, neck problems and conditions,herniated/bulged disc, sciatica, degenerative disc disease, pinched…

  16. Spine Elongation

    2019-02-18 22:00:48 UTC

    Spine Elongation | In order for the spine to elongate sufficiently the legs need to work properly.Good activation of the legs should start from the feet.🐘Here is one of the actions you can practice in order to ground better with your heels in all standing asanas. 🐘Start with Tadasana: activate…

  17. Happy New Year 2019

    2019-02-18 21:54:17 UTC

    Happy New Year 2019 from all of as at Luna!🥳“Happiness is not something ready made. It comes from your own actions.”✨-The Dalai Lama✨Here is a beautiful and simple Buddhist practice called Metta, which means loving kindness.✨Repeat this slowly with intention and then take a moment (or more) to meditate: close…

  18. Year End

    2018-12-29 07:39:00 UTC

    End of the year reflection | 2018 is almost over, 2019 is not here just yet…🎁This is a really good time to prepare for next year by counting your blessings, big and (especially) small. 🎁We recommend writing down a list of all those good things that you have, or had…

  19. Restorative Adho Mukha Virasana

    2018-12-13 06:15:00 UTC

    Restorative Adho Mukha Virasana| Restorative Adho Mukha Virasana is a very relaxing, gentle chest opener.✨Some days it can feel too ‘open’ and vulnerable to practice a chest opener on the back.✨Some days you might feel that the lower back doesn’t seem to relax when in chest opener on the back…

  20. Yoga is for everyone

    2018-11-30 16:32:28 UTC

    Yoga is for everyone.|🌼It’s not about crazy asanas and beautiful flexible, photogenic people, it’s about awareness.💐Awareness to the body that will lead to awareness of the mind that will lead to health. It will also lead to awareness of our fellow human beings, as well as to awareness of mother…

  21. Tension and Rigidity

    2018-11-10 05:57:37 UTC

    Tension and Rigidity | Tension is not rigidity.💛In the body and mind we have necessary and unnecessary tension.💛Every asana should be held with the right amount of tension. 💛This takes practice…When in the asana scan your body to find where you need to add tension - by elongating the spine,…

  22. Awareness

    2018-10-18 03:14:59 UTC

    Awareness| Have you noticed how after few years of yoga practice, (or even months actually) you became more aware of your physical and emotional needs, more sensitive to yourself and to your environment?✨This is why: We have this amazing sensory system in our bodies, that‘s called - Interoception. ✨This system…

  23. Hands On Adjustments

    2018-10-03 02:43:00 UTC

    Hands On Adjustments | In Alignment Yoga hands on adjustments are very particular.🌱It can be very tempting and easy for a teacher to just ‘take’ the student into an asana. Instead we offer a process where the teacher takes time to know the student.🌱In the teacher training course we teach…

  24. Bhakti

    2018-09-10 02:52:56 UTC

    Bhakti | In Sanskrit the word Bhakti means devotion. There are 9 forms of devotion in the practice of Bhakti Yoga. One of them is Kirtanam or Kirtan - singing of God’s glories. Since Yoga grew out of Hinduism, we mostly sing of Hindu gods, but actually (and practically) any…

  25. Parivritta Trikonasana

    2018-07-26 11:38:00 UTC

    Parivritta Trikonasana | Keeping the alignment of Parivritta Trikonasana is not so easy… Here are few tips: Keep your buttock and head in one line. Don’t allow the head to go past the line of the leg.✨If you practice it at home (without a teacher to guide you), you could…

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