Spine Elongation

Spine Elongation


In order for the spine to elongate sufficiently the legs need to work properly.
Good activation of the legs should start from the feet.
Here is one of the actions you can practice in order to ground better with your heels in all standing asanas. 
Start with Tadasana: activate your heels by pushing your lower ankles back, engage your legs and feel your heels very grounded to the mat.
Now, without changing the activation and position of your feet and legs, fold forward to Uttanasana. Keep the action of the back of your ankle and legs.
Next walk your hands forward to Adho Mukha Svanasana (down dog) without loosing the action of your legs and the position of your heels on the ground.
This practice should give you a nice base to practice standing asanas with a new sense of stability.
Here is a suggestion for a short sequence to continue with:
-Parsvottanasan (like in the picture)
-Parivritta Trikonasana
-Prasarita Padotansana
Make sure to take that ankle-heel-leg action with you into those standing asanas.
Enjoy and let is know how it went for you.

Luna Alignment Yoga

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