Urdva Dhanurasana

Urdva Dhanurasana


We LOVE this adjustment in Urdva Dhanurasana.
This adjustment makes the asana possible for students with stiff shoulders.
It’s also wonderful for flexible students since it’s elongating the entire spine.
The lower back, which tends to take most of the bending action in deep backbends, now gets a relief as the upper back is getting more of that backbend action - as it should.
So how do we do it?
One helper will grab hold of the student’s shoulder blades as the student grab hold of their ankles. Then they both press to lift up.
Next, the other helper will pull on the back hips towards the wall behind them (and not up!).
Eventually both helpers will pull back in opposite direction and the spine will get a beautiful traction in extension.
This is so much fun!

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