Happy New Year 2019

Happy New Year 2019 from all of as at Luna!
“Happiness is not something ready made. It comes from your own actions.”

-The Dalai Lama

Here is a beautiful and simple Buddhist practice called Metta, which means loving kindness.

Repeat this slowly with intention and then take a moment (or more) to meditate: close your eyes and feel the happiness rising within you.

May I be peaceful
May I be happy
May I be well
May I be safe
May I be free from suffering 
May all beings be peaceful 
May all beings be happy
May all beings be well
May all beings be safe
May all beings be free from suffering

With this simple practice you can feel more compassion and love towards yourself and others. Compassion leads to happiness.

The Dalai Lama also said that “If you want others to be happy, practice compassion. If you want to be happy, practice compassion.”

Remember that Happens is our birthright, no one can take it from us, but ourselves.

May this year 2019 will be a beautiful, meaningful, joyful year for us all.

Luna Alignment Yoga

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