Inversions Asana

Inversions Asana


The ancient yogis know the importance of inversions long before modern science knew anything about circulation.
“The asanas belonging to these groups will take care of general health such as postural and functional correction of the body. They will take care of circulation, digestion, excretion, and so on.”
-Geeta Iyengar
📷The asana in the pic is a variation Urdhva Dandasana, which is really good for strengthening the shoulder girdle and for understanding the proper alignment of it in the asana.
The support of the hands on the student’s shoulder blades imitate the action that the student must do - pushing the shoulder blades in (towards the chest) and up (towards the buttocks).
Making this kind of assistance in this variation of Urdbva Dandasana very helpful for students who are struggling with inversions due to weakness or stiffness of the shoulder girdle.

Luna Alignment Yoga

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