Luna's Blog

Posts tagged with HandsOnAdjustments

  1. Hands On Adjustments

    2018-10-03 02:43:00 UTC

    Hands On Adjustments | In Alignment Yoga hands on adjustments are very particular.🌱It can be very tempting and easy for a teacher to just ‘take’ the student into an asana. Instead we offer a process where the teacher takes time to know the student.🌱In the teacher training course we teach…

  2. Hands On Adjustments

    2018-01-04 07:53:00 UTC

    Hands on adjustments are such an integral and beautiful part of yoga teaching. However it’s really important to give our students the opportunity to adjust themselves, developing their practice. As teachers, if we want to emphasize alignment, we need to start with accurate verbal cues. Later we can indicate or…

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