Restorative Adho Mukha Virasana
November 29, 2017Restorative Adho mukha virasana or child’s pose with bolster. We love this very restorative asana. It’s both a forward bend and a heart opener.
Here is how to go in the asana: Take a bolster or 2. If you don’t have a bolster take a few pillows or a rolled blanket. Sit on your heels. Have your big toes touching and take your knees apart leaving just enough space for the bolster. Place the bolster in front of you and in between your knees, on the ground. Now move forward until you have your belly touching it, so the lower back can relax and the chest to properly open. In case that the belly doesn’t reach it place an extra bolster/ pillow or blanket. Adjust until you feel super comfortable.
Now place your cheek on the bolster and rest. Breath deeply. With every inhalation allow the chest to expand and with every exhalation to relax, sinking deeper into the bolster. Take your elbows to the sides so you can relax your shoulders. Then finally relax your face. After a while, gently lift your head and place the other cheek on the bolster. Rest and relax as much as you like.
Enjoy 😊
Luna Alignment Yoga