Variation of Urdva Dandasana

Variation of Urdva Dandasana. 

 Urdva Dandasana is a preparation for headstand - Sirsasana but can be practiced as a preparation for handstand - like we practiced here.
And also as a preparation for forearm stand. This asana is very good for building strengths and for overcoming the fear of inversions.

It’s really nice to practice with an assistant or a friend to help, by pushing in your shoulder blades and helping you to keep a neutral spine. To practice any of those versions: sit down with your legs extended forward and your feet touching the wall - in Dandasana. 

Where your buttocks touch the floor, this is where your head, arms, or elbows should be. Turn around and climb your feet up the wall to a 90 degree angle from your torso and parallel to the ground. Keep your thighs rotated inwards and active. Feet together or hip width apart.  

Enjoy 😉 

Luna Alignment Yoga

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