Luna's Blog
December 1, 2021
Generally, when I post on social media I do it out of inspiration. Even if I post just a quote with no real words of my own…✨My words, or the quote will fit where I’m at today or what I’ve been working on, teaching or learning.✨I’m inspired by:Practicing…
Those moments
December 23, 2020
Those moments
Those moments at the beginning and end of every yoga class are so important and precious.🙏🏻Those moments will set the tone for your class and will creat a safe, nurturing environment for yourself and for your students.🙏🏻Your students will always feel your state of mind, your presence…
October 28, 2020
Svādhyāya, Meaning self study, or study of the Self.✨Sometimes it’s translated as self-studying of scriptures. This is only a partial meaning.✨The deep meaning of Self-Study, studying of the Self is to me what yoga is all about.✨Asana practice, meditation practice, Pranayama practice, reading scriptures and so on are…
August 26, 2020
Practicing yoga is a great way of developing intuition.💙Taping into our physical sensations, feelings and emotions during practice, will develop our “sense of connection” to our inner reality as well as to our outer reality.💙By being truly connected to our own needs, we can easily connect to the…
Full moon
May 9, 2020
Full Moon
It’s a full moon night tonight and I have a feeling it’s going to be very special.🌕Here in Koh-Phangan, we feel the moon very strongly.🌕I love those words by Osho: “A full moon night simply exposes you.”🌕This also feels like a time of defrosting, blooming and reopening.🌕Do…