Luna's Blog
New Year’s Resolutions
January 1, 2018
The first day of the year is really a good time for some new year’s resolutions. In yoga we call it Samkalpa. Samkalpa means: will, motivation or resolution. It’s like a plan or a strategy. ✨We are the result of our samkalpas. That is to say: we are the result…
Compassion Mediation
December 26, 2017
Throughout our month long Alignment Yoga teacher training we practice every morning Mindfulness Meditation and in the evenings we practice different kinds of meditations. One of those meditations is Compassion Mediation inspired from the Buddhist tradition.
What is Compassion?
Genuine compassion is a state of mind that is non-violent, non-harming…
Using Yoga Props
December 25, 2017
We love using yoga props. B.K.S. Iyengar revived and developed into an art the use of props, but the ancient yogis used some props themselves (like a yoga danda). Sometimes, for some practitioners the use of props is perceived as weakness, but the use of it is actually sharpens the…
December 22, 2017
In Iyengar Yoga there are sequences of asanas - each asana is teaching and preparing us for the next. In Parsvottanasana you can find elements of Tadasana, of Trikonasana and more. This asana is also a preparation for the understanding of the very challenging Virabhadrasna 1 - warrior 1.…
Energetic Alignment
December 17, 2017
Alignment in Yoga also means Energetic Alignment.
Our bodies, our posture and asana alignment are affecting our energy flow. In our body we have positive and negative electric current flows. When those currents are balanced we enjoy good health.
In the top of our head we have the positive pole…